Priser 2025

Short rides for all levels

Vråby Plantation

Rød, Orange And Blue trip
1 time ridning 

Turen går i første omgang ad små hyggelige grusveje, inden vi når Vråby Plantage. Hvis du holder øjnene åbne, kan du se rådyr stå og græsse og kigge på os, mens vi følger de sjove, snoede stier, der går op og ned og til venstre og højre. Her kan du mærke vinden i håret og suset i maven, men bare rolig, tempoet er styret og alle kan være med. Husk at trække vejret dybt og nyde skovens vidunderlige duft og fuglenes kvidren.

  • Price per person DKK 350,-

Wadden Sea & Marsh

Green trip
1 1/2 hours, 40 min riding for complete beginners or small children

We welcome you at the table. Everyone is given a horse card they have to find in the cupboard.

Everyone gets basic riding instruction on a wooden horse.

The riders must now find their horses, which are ready in the stables courtyard.

The horses are pulled to the riding hall. Here everyone goes through safe training in riding their horses. (nice retired Icelandics)

Then a nice ride across the marshes and on our small beach at the Wadden Sea.

The child must be able to ride by themself. If this is not possible, the
parents walk besides them. 

After the ride we hang the saddles and equipment. Then we feed the horses and groom them a bit, as a thank you.

  • Price per person DKK 395,-

Sea sand

Rød, Orange And Blue  trip

2 hours of riding

The tour goes first by small cozy dirt roads before entering Vråby Plantation. Here, if you keep your eyes open, you can see deer grazing and looking at us as we truff past. We ride off the field roads and through the dunes before arriving at Sønderstrand.
From here we ride over the beach. We get out to the water, where we let the horses cool their hooves in the sea. Be aware that on the blue trips you may not reach the water's edge as the beach is barely a kilometre wide! Note. On the blue route, we don't get all the way down to the water's edge. We ride to the stand between dune areas where we get a great view of the kilometre wide beach.

  • Price per person DKK 450,-
horseback riding in the forest

Kirkeby Plantation

Rød, Orange And Blue trip
2 hours of riding

The hack begins by the quaint, narrow gravel roads, before entering the Vråby plantation. If we are lucky and keep our eyes open we may very well see deer grazing, watching us tølting by. We pass a gravel road and ride through the beautiful heath, over in Kirkeby Plantation, where lots of bridleways await us. 
Once there we break into a tølt and gallop along winding paths, following the beautiful landscape. Even though we are in the plantation, you can feel the wind in your hair and a pleasant rush in the pit of your stomach as you follow the horse around the winding bends. But don't worry: the rugged terrain keeps a steady and smooth pace. We ride past Rømø 's highest point: Peak Mountain. 

  • Price per person DKK 450,-

Sønderstrand & Banan dune

Red And Orange trip
3 hours riding

We gallop off field roads and stride through the dunes before arriving at Sønderstrand. From here we moan over the beach and a small gallop there is also room for.

We follow the prilen around and then come a long distance by the water. Here you can have some fantastic tølt and gallops at a quiet and controlled pace.
The tour continues along the water, over to Banana Island, where another drinking break is held at this amazing natural phenomenon.

From here we ride in to the dunes and follow them so we do not disturb the many beach sailors and kitebuggies in their areas.

  • Price per person DKK 585,-

Sunset/evening tour

Rød, Orange And Blue  trip
2 hours of riding

The tour goes first by small cozy dirt roads before entering Vråby Plantation. Here, if you keep your eyes open, you can see deer grazing and looking at us as we truff past. We ride off the field roads and through the dunes before arriving at Sønderstrand.
From here we ride out over the beach, where we start to be able to watch the sun go down. Then we reach out to the water, where we let the horses cool their hooves in the sea. Be aware that the blue tours may not reach the water's edge as the beach is barely a kilometre wide! 

  • Price per person DKK 475,-
Photo commandsgaarden 220

Children 3.9-11.9 years - 10% discount

Hotel and Camping guests - 5% discount