The Wadden Sea is a large pantry for the approximately 15 million migratory birds that make their way into the region every spring and autumn to feed themselves. There is enough to take off here, because on every square metre of wading, up to 100,000 shrimp, worms, snails and mussels live.


Breeding birds
In the area around Lakolk Sø, pipes, pipe hawks, beard chisels and water drink breed. The storms show breeding burial duck, beach damage, redbones and vibe, as well as small birds such as yellow wicker and meadowpiber. On Rømø, different ducks breed, e.g. cretal, tip duck and spoon.

The very rare white-breasted clerical collar has its main breeding ground in Denmark just on Rømø. The dwarfs and oats breed here – some years of neat populations, other years of only a few and small colonies that are even easily wiped out by extraordinary high tides. (This may also go beyond the white-breasted clerical collar.) On the beaches, even a few pairs of meadows breed as the only place in the entire Wadden Sea region and some years also brushøns. There are also few breeding birds such as beard chisels, grasshopper and urban bird in the open land, where moorland hawks and bog horn owls also breed, albeit irregularly. Black-throated bynkebird and blueneck are regular breeding birds. In the dune plantations, turret falcons, forest horn owls, moor larks and red-backed thorns breed. Kirkeby Plantation and Vråby Plantation are safe places to hear natravn in June and July.

Migratory and resting birds
The bird migration is at its peak March-May and August-October. Both spring and autumn host hundreds of thousands of mainly wading birds on the island's waders. Ordinary grouse form the largest flocks, but Icelandic rye, beach damage, big spove, small spove, small copper snop, green, redbones, clydes and white cliches also appear in large numbers. It is not unusual to experience more than 20 different wading bird species in a single day. Geese include bramgots, grey goose, knuckle goose and short-beak goose as the most numerous. The number of geese is steadily increasing. In particular, there are many bramgæs primarily by Juvre, but also some bliss geese can be experienced. Pipe duck, mallard, crayruck, tipand and gravand are the most common duck species. Among the birds of prey there is often mountain watch, reed hawk, peregrine falcon and dwarf falcon and now also regular sea eagle.

Along the west coast of Rømø, you can experience large flocks of resting diving ducks (blackand, edbird), migratory or resting seagulls and terns, especially in autumn, and sometimes actual seabirds like sulins.

From the southern tip of the island, many migratory small birds and birds of prey can be observed in the autumn. Likewise, many small birds at the southern tip – at the Storms – screened before moving further south. Scrubs and shrubbery here are very nice places in autumn for small birds – also for specialties and rarities.

Large flocks of grey geese winter in mild winters on Rømø along with a large number of duckbirds. As something completely new, the number of resting bramgæs has increased significantly. More than 50,000 birds can be seen at the Rømø Dam. In winter you can also observe flocks of mountain larks, mountain irics and snow sparrows.