Coffee and Cake

You can taste our lovely cakes in the restaurant. Check out our selection below and don't forget our popular Sønderjyske Coffee Table, every Saturday at 15:00.

  • "Choco Dream" Gateau Marcel dkk 78.-

    served with Hansen's organic vanilla cream

  • Cake plate dkk 78.-

    variation of 3 kinds of cakes

  • Marzipan apple pie dkk 78.-

    served with sour cream or whipped cream


Sønderjysk Coffee and Cake Table

Sønderjysk Coffee and Cake Table

Southern Jutland coffee table is with its

 wide range of almost 20 different kinds of cakes, a picture of Southern Jutland tradition and hospitality.  

Here at Kommandørgården, however, only about 12 different ones are served. It takes place every Saturday between 15:00 and 16:30. However, do not think that all cakes are Sønderjyske because they certainly are not – we have been inspired by the large abroad, not to mention kept up with the times. 

However, can also be booked on other days for a minimum of 20 people.

Price per person incl. coffee DKK 195,-
– children 3.9-11.9 years half price

lemon cake


The Germans forbade the Danes from holding meetings during the second world war, but not to hold a coffee table. That's why the Scots used this loophole in the law to legally meet.

Many different cakes - not just South Jutland

The cakes vary, but some of the cakes could be :

  • The Buns
  •  Pretzel
  • South Jutland Rye Bread Cake
  • Danish layer cake
  • Gateau Marcel
  • Black Forest layer cake with homemade cherry jam
  • Cream slices with prun stuffing
  • Homemade Lemon Merinque Pie
  • South Jutland rice cake with whipped cream and currant gel
  • Bee sting
  • Maricipan apple pie
  • Quarkkage
  • Rumballs
  • Grease cakes