The tour begins at the tourist office. From Tvismark, the journey west to Lakolk goes along the Rail Road through a protected dune area with many different species of animal and plant. Just before Lakolk, look south over Lake Lakolk, which has a very rich bird life. There is no access to the reed woodland surrounding the lake. From Lakolk, continue on the sandy beach either all the way out by the water (the dotted line on the map) or inside along the protected sand marshlands. At Sønderland, continue to the east through the cultivated sand marshlands and northwards through sand marshes and clawed and on through Kirkeby Plantation and Kongsmark.
about 17 km - about 5 hours
The tour begins at Rømø church. From here you walk through Vesterhede and Vråby Plantation with Stagebjerg from where there is an excellent view. The tour continues along the road through the cultivated sand marshlands, through the dunes to Havsand and further south along the dunes. At the descent can either be continued up on the die to Havneby or at low tide south of the marsh area on the first part of the line. From Havneby, continue north past the ancient monument Borrebjerg and on through the cottage area back to the church.
about 14 km - about 4 hours
The tour begins at one of the rest areas and is marked in yellow on low posts. The tour goes through part of Tvismark Plantation and the adjacent clich1st area. From the 20 m high Høstbjerg there is a fine view of Rømø.
about 3 km - about 1 hour